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Recent content by FrogReaver

  1. FrogReaver

    D&D 5E Advanced D&D or "what to minimally fix in 5E?"

    Sure. Now look at something like Polymorph ally into Giant ape + Hypnotic pattern.
  2. FrogReaver

    D&D 5E Advanced D&D or "what to minimally fix in 5E?"

    I really like your 'Lore' change.
  3. FrogReaver

    D&D 5E Advanced D&D or "what to minimally fix in 5E?"

    For the OP, there is no fixing 5e as it is. There are no subsystems to tweak outside spells. There are so few places where options can be added and even then they aren't spread evenly through the classes/subclasses, meaning the ones that get more options have a tendancy to get more...
  4. FrogReaver

    D&D 5E Advanced D&D or "what to minimally fix in 5E?"

    Yes, let's make casters even more powerful for most of the levels the game is already played at.
  5. FrogReaver

    How Many Spells Does a Wizard Need?

    Let’s see. 1-2 defensive. 1-2utility. 2-3 offensive + a couple of cantrips. 4-7 would be bare minimum. Though with spell slots and spell levels a 5e wizard probably needs at least 1 per spell level and a few more at level 1. So I’ll change my answer. Something like 4 + 9 - 1. So 13ish would...
  6. FrogReaver

    D&D 5E Which classes have the least identity?

    I think some would rather have a choice, even a ‘bad choice’ over no choice at all. In fact I think id hate a game where all choices were equally effective in all situations. Part of the fun is figuring out how to play well.
  7. FrogReaver

    D&D 5E Which classes have the least identity?

    Here’s the thing. You can make a great game with hyper specific classes. You can make a great game with completely generic classes. Trying to isolate class specificity or genericicity alone as the determiner of good design is the problem. Its really about how everything works together. If 5e...
  8. FrogReaver

    Pineapple Express: Someone Is Wrong on the Internet?

    I watched the video of guy ordering hamburger without burger or bun. Now I want to see someone order pizza with no cheese.
  9. FrogReaver

    Pineapple Express: Someone Is Wrong on the Internet?

    One should always leave it directly behind the car that parked too close to you.
  10. FrogReaver

    D&D 5E Help me understand & find the fun in OC/neo-trad play...

    Then I think you don’t understand them nor me :)
  11. FrogReaver

    D&D 5E Help me understand & find the fun in OC/neo-trad play...

    But there always was and always has been rules that bind the GM.
  12. FrogReaver

    D&D General What is the right amount of Classes for Dungeons and Dragons?

    When you look at how early d&d designed classes it was often based on a single fictional character they were trying to represent. I don’t think that’s the best way to design classes, but given 5e’s character options outside class and subclass we are almost there.
  13. FrogReaver

    D&D General What is the right amount of Classes for Dungeons and Dragons?

    Exactly. Though I’d add alot also depends on the base system expectations. Early on d&d split out casting from its attribute system via int and wisdom and later on charisma as well. That informs and restricts alot of later design. It explains why merging the wizard and sorcerer doesnt work...
  14. FrogReaver

    D&D 5E Which classes have the least identity?

    You seem to be confusing historical context for fantasy context. There’s many very popular games that have implemented monk classes as martial artist classes. I’m much less versed in fantasy literature so don’t know how well it applies there as well. Again, you too focused on history as...
  15. FrogReaver

    D&D 5E Which classes have the least identity?

    I don’t disagree with why they are moving away from Paladin = holy warrior… but that’s still the identity most people associate with Paladin.