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Recent content by Eyes of Nine

  1. Eyes of Nine

    D&D (2024) Check Out The 2025 Monster Manual Alternate Cover!

    And then here's me coming and saying how I don't care about the art, I just get the alt covers for the perceived higher scarcity level compared to the regular covers. If I'm going to collect the dang things, might as well collect the collectible ones
  2. Eyes of Nine

    RPG Crowdfunding News – Blade Runner, The Merry Mushmen!, HYPERBOREA, and more

    Hardy Boys RPG sounds like a joke. There's a license out there, and I'm sure this KS is not paying for that cost of license. If he was, he'd have access to all the assets - but he doesn't even have art yet. Things like "I'm hoping to hire this artist if my project funds" is a major red flag...
  3. Eyes of Nine

    What are you reading in 2024?

    Scalzi slyly announced that he's working on Old Man's War v7. I'm looking forward to that, although I wonder if the light breezy style he's had in his last (checks watch) 9 novels will infect/influence this OMW volume...
  4. Eyes of Nine

    Roll20 Purchases Demiplane

    Oh also, there's this I just saw come over the wire (earlier today apparently) https://blog.roll20.net/posts/roll20s-new-dd-character-sheet-enters-alpha-in-june
  5. Eyes of Nine

    D&D (2024) How Does Greyhawk Fit In To The New Edition?

    Links or it didn't happen! (Or maybe I'm too lazy to go look it up tbh...) NM, I forgot I had been here before and bookmarked it https://www.annabmeyer.com/
  6. Eyes of Nine

    D&D General Maps, Maps, Maps! Dungeons, Ruins, Caverns, Temples, and more... aka Where Dyson Dumps His Maps.

    Doh! I thought it was a shop that floated around ON A 30x30 MAGIC CARPET. Nothing saying it can't be, at least in my campaign... Of course, how we get a basement on a MAGIC CARPET, we'll never know/tell/reveal/discover...
  7. Eyes of Nine

    Roll20 Purchases Demiplane

    Oh, that's like a Chrome extension? One of my players does use it, and I think he likes it - it's pretty seamless
  8. Eyes of Nine

    Roll20 Purchases Demiplane

    If R20 had a better 5e character sheet/builder, that would be epic. I wonder if DemiPlane can deliver on that?
  9. Eyes of Nine

    What is/are your most recent TTRPG purchase(s)?

    That's called "Practical"
  10. Eyes of Nine

    SmiteWorks Hires D&D Beyond Founder as Chief Development Officer of Fantasy Grounds

    As a long time user of R20, I do not agree with this statement.
  11. Eyes of Nine

    So who else….

    I mean tbh, 90 quid is actually quite reasonable for a godkiller sword. Also wondering if Morrus and others exercised their "persuade" skills to haggle with the shopkee... erm, booth staff?
  12. Eyes of Nine

    D&D General Turgenev's Friday Freebie Maps

    Areas 1b 13e 26b and 37a - oh and 51 - could also represent mystical elevator shaft...
  13. Eyes of Nine

    RPG Crowdfunding News - 13th Age, The Sassoon Files, At The Gates, and more

    I'm sitting on 13th Age 1e HC as well as 10+ source/setting/adventures for it; as well as a ton of pdfs - and have never read any of it. Maybe some day I'll buy 2e, but not on the initial kickstarter... I also agree with @Grendel_Khan - solo journaling games are just not my jam, even ones like...
  14. Eyes of Nine

    Looking for Fantasy Atlas

    Was it this? I own it but haven't had a chance to dig deeply into it https://manaprojectstudio.com/portfolio/historia/