• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by Demetrios1453

  1. D

    D&D (2024) How Does Greyhawk Fit In To The New Edition?

    I hadn't looked at her site recently, and I see she's decided to tackle Western Oerik. That's a brave decision given the fact there's so little canon info on that region, with much of it potentially contradictory!
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    D&D General How Do You Handle Falling Damage?

    Instant and irrecovable death for anything over one foot. Watching the group trying to navigate rough staircases is always a blast.
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    D&D General Demetrios1453 Plays the Gold Box Games

    Well, at least the guards looking at you suspiciously makes sense at that point!
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    D&D General Demetrios1453 Plays the Gold Box Games

    Sorry about the hiatus here, I ended up having a very busy week last week, and I am now on vacation until June 9th. However, I'll likely have some downtime while on vacation, so I'll try to get a post or two in during those times.
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    D&D (2024) Greyhawk Confirmed. Tell Me Why.

    I'm doing a Let's Play thread on the old Gold Box CRPGs (on a short hiatus), and it's so funny to get the full 1e PHB list of polearms when shopping at the weapons store in the game. I mean, who would actually get those fauchard forks, Lucerne hammers, and glaive-guisarmes?
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    D&D (2024) Greyhawk Confirmed. Tell Me Why.

    I definitely agree with that. It was far too early in the book for a new DM.
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    D&D (2024) New Dungeon Master's Guide Cover Features Venger (From the D&D Cartoons)

    I know you were joking, but the Tiamat part might not be unreasonable, actually.
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    D&D 5E Hasbro CEO Chris Cocks Would Like To Explore Kara-Tur

    Well, it is a towering mountain range, with peaks up to 30,000 feet tall. I think the only real settlement is the Spelljammer port near the middle.
  9. kara-tur-2023.png


  10. D

    D&D 5E Hasbro CEO Chris Cocks Would Like To Explore Kara-Tur

    Here's a detailed map of Kara-Tur, including the eastern edges of Faerun: Kara-Tur has a huge buffer region from the Himalaya-like Yehimal in the south to the Quoya Desert and the Hordelands to the north. Khazari and Ra-Khati are like the Silk Road towns in the Tarim Basin, after which you...
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    D&D (2024) Greyhawk Confirmed. Tell Me Why.

    I mean, technically, Hepmonaland isn't part of the Flanaess....
  12. D

    D&D (2024) Greyhawk Confirmed. Tell Me Why.

    Tiefling origins are completely obvious from a lore standpoint (plus, they can come from the Great Kingdom as well), but even when presented with this logical, lore-friendly explanation, some of the most hardline Greyhawk grognards simply refuse to accept it. Once, long ago, when a "tieflings in...
  13. D

    D&D 5E What Level To Hunt A Great Wyrm?

    He wasn't a PC, just a full-on DMPC! "Hey, while you guys were exploring the dragon lair, some random person back in town just one-shot the dragon."
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    D&D (2024) Greyhawk Confirmed. Tell Me Why.

    As a fan of an Ohio team that hates the Ravens (although not the team that has reason to really hate the Ravens), I can admit that such hatred exists. And I can also admit that it's totally irrational. It's just a game, after all. Which is true both for the NFL and D&D.
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    Wizards Goes Big with Vecna: Eve of Ruin

    Yeah, that was really a dropped ball there, as it creates some really interesting possibilities. You could have three sets of lycanthropes, each tied to an individual moon (and thus would tend to be good, neutral, and evil). Or just go whole hog and have them turn at a time when each moon is...