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Recent content by Cheesegreetings

  1. Cheesegreetings

    Planescape The Great Wheel, the World Axis, and the Abyss

    So it used to be the Ordial Plane? (That's the 3E fanmade/semi-official name for that hypothetical Transitive Plane) But if there were already Outer Planes, what was the previous CE Outer Plane?
  2. Cheesegreetings

    Planescape: Adventures in the Multiverse Review

    What is the rule about necroposting here? What counts as necro or not, and is it acceptable?
  3. Cheesegreetings

    D&D General D&D Class Test- Which character class suits you?

    I'm supposedly 95% monk, 90% druid, 80% wizard, 70% paladin, 65% cleric and sorcerer. I too am curious how I'd have scored on psion (probably really low). I'd also like to see a test like this for Starfinder, which has a very different set of classes. I find it weird, but I'm used to tests...
  4. Cheesegreetings

    DDAL Jasper DMs Planescape

    You didn't post Session 4 so the story narrative is broken.
  5. Cheesegreetings

    Planescape The Great Wheel, the World Axis, and the Abyss

    The reconciliation I use in my personal cosmology is to treat the Elemental Chaos as a planar pathway. The World Tree was a planar pathway, then there was some catastrophe (the Spellplague) that destroyed it and cause this messy jumble of elements, energies, and chaos to stretch between the...
  6. Cheesegreetings

    D&D General How Do You Feel About Randomness?

    Different styles of play. I prefer things to make sense in-universe when possible, but I also prefer things to be paced to minimize PC deaths. It's less difficult to balance if there are non-combat roleplay ways to survive an encounter, though.
  7. Cheesegreetings

    D&D General How Do You Feel About Randomness?

    I like randomness to a degree, but not if it's going to screw over players. For example, random encounter tables should be chosen or adjusted for the party's abilities. I really don't like totally random character creation. It takes away player choices, and in my experience it results in a...
  8. Cheesegreetings

    D&D General Books in the Wizard's Library

    Good cookbook choice. Are you going to tell the players it includes recipes for the PC races? :LOL: The Enchanter's Almanac describes the positions of the stars and constellations, moon(s), sun, planets, and all of their potential combinations with each other and the seasons over the course of...
  9. Cheesegreetings

    WotC [Updated!] Hasbro Laying Off 1,100 Employees

    Sorry I necroposted again. I saw it on the front page and thought it was recent. Please delete.
  10. Cheesegreetings

    Planescape: Adventures in the Multiverse Review

    Edit: Sorry, I don't know whether replying to older threads is allowed here. I'm happy to see that Planescape is getting some material, but really bummed that my favorite faction was destroyed with no explanation. I can't imagine playing anything but a Godsman and now... I'll probably never get...
  11. Cheesegreetings

    All the different Dragon species ... of the same name

    Maybe I'm misremembering how the wings are described. I definitely remember it having wings and being wingless in the opening paragraph of the original description, though.
  12. Cheesegreetings

    All the different Dragon species ... of the same name

    Even better, sometimes the description contradicts itself! For example, the Albino Wyrm is apparently a wingless dragon with large, transluscent wings. :hmm:
  13. Cheesegreetings

    Corrections to Monsters in the CC

    Cobra Dragon alignment The CC has the Cobra Dragon as "usually neutral" but in the conversion thread, it's identified as Lawful Evil.
  14. Cheesegreetings

    Corrections to Monsters in the CC

    Gorynych, Crow's-Nest Dragon, Yellow Dragon The Crow's Nest Dragon lists "breath weapon" in the Special Attacks line, but no breath weapon is described or statted. The Gorynych and Faerunian Yellow Dragon/Dragon (Yellow) each appear to have two separate entries, or at least two separate links...
  15. Cheesegreetings

    Current Conversion Requests

    argh sorry, I found the correct thread now