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Recent content by Cadence

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  2. Cadence

    13th Age 2E update!

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  4. Cadence

    Are our tastes set?

    Started with B/X and then shortly after 1e. A lot of 2e. Reasonable amount of 3.5/PF 1e. A tiny bit of 4e. Playing 5e now. If I had to pick one it would either be an e8 (or so) version of PF 1e or 5e. If you ask me about monster art? It's the old stuff.
  5. Cadence

    Pineapple Express: Someone Is Wrong on the Internet?

    Luckily you did not say you would not take criticism. I put forth that the platonic forms of the hotdog are the Chicago dog and the chili dog with mustard and onions. As a corollary, I take your definition of "acceptable" to be something like "fine" or "good" or "fair" when grading comics. I...
  6. Cadence

    D&D General The Problem With Paladin's Medieval Origins (+)

    I imagine it came from the idea that contracts with the/a devil were a thing. If the devil didn't have to keep their word at all, then there would be no point in making a contract with them. In any case, Gygax seems to think the LE keeping contracts (as opposed to being truthful) was implied...
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