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Recent content by c22system

  1. c22system

    Free Pirates of the Dumas Cortex, a deckbuilding rpg inspired by Pirates of Drinax and the Count of Monte Cristo Quickstart out now!

    Quickstart and more info here: Punk Galactic — C22 Punk Galactic Free Version here: DriveThruRPG If you are interested in playtesting the full campaign, message me directly or respond here!
  2. c22system

    5E burnout - looking for a summer RPG

    There are already a lot of good suggestions here. I have had a lot of fun with Savage worlds for a supernatural World War II setting and I plan to give Stars without number another chance. If you want some more out there systems and you do not mind horror Dread and its preset adventure Beneath...
  3. c22system

    Kickstarter We're tired of being taken advantage of in this soul-crushing galaxy...

    "We're tired of being taken advantage of in this soul-crushing galaxy. The mega corps get relief funds. We get to work the relief shifts. They report record profits. We report record hours. Now we are free. Now we will report our own record profits. Right from the coffers of the corps."...
  4. c22system

    Deckbuilding with playing cards in a ttrpg, Freelancer's Guide to a profit focused living

    I love games that inspire my creativity, focus on character growth, and have meaningful choice. I think playing cards can do this better than any other resolution mechanic. Mechanics The deck of cards represents your character and is used to resolve any actions that are in question. The...
  5. c22system

    Performance is a Designer Trap

    I completely agree, skills, combined with action economy are a resource. I think you are right in your analysis of the post. The point is more about how you should look at the skills/feats/abilities/whatever you are adding to your games to make sure they are all following the same framework...
  6. c22system

    Performance is a Designer Trap

    Could you elaborate on what type of trap is being created? The post is more about making sure your skills are consistent with the overall narrative and experience the rpg is creating, because no RPG creates every experience, not even GURPS. It would make very little sense for a game about...
  7. c22system

    Performance is a Designer Trap

    True, but this is a blog where I talk about the game's development. I do know the title is a bit clickbaity
  8. c22system

    Performance is a Designer Trap

    This is a post from my blog, you can read it here, or there. It does not matter to me. Performance is a Designer Trap — C22 Before I start explaining why Performance is a designer trap, I should explain what a designer trap is. To understand that, we need to understand what a design trap is...
  9. c22system

    Design Review: Shifting Tides

    Continuing my trend of posting my reviews of in development ttrpgs. You can read it here or on my site, with a few more pictures, either works, does not matter to me. Design Review: Shifting Tides — C22 The Shifting Tides is a game where you play scavengers surviving on a strange, dangerous...
  10. c22system

    Design Review: Ashen Lands

    I review in development tabletop roleplaying systems from time to time. I figured I would start to post a few here as well. You can read the post below or on my blog, either works: Design Review: Ashen Lands — C22 Ashen Lands is a post-apocalyptic tabletop rpg where the players play those...
  11. c22system

    Kickstarter Freelancer's Guide to a profit focused living, a deckbuilding scifi RPG

    "We're tired of being taken advantage of in this soul-crushing galaxy. The mega corps get relief funds. We get to work the relief shifts. They report record profits. We report record hours. Now we are free. Now we will report our own record profits. Right from the coffers of the corps."...
  12. c22system

    C22, a deckbuilding RPG system

    I made a system that uses playing cards and deckbuilding to create a resolution system that grows with you. Imagine if you could change the numbers on your d20. Do you want to your new highest number to be a 21 or do you want two 20s, or maybe you don't want any more nat 1s. Now that is all...